EdTech Austria – the Hotspot for Educational Technology in Austria

Magdalena mit ihrem Hund Milo, Foto: privat

This is the EdTech Austria Team: Project Manager Magdalena Gärtner

25. July 2024

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Photo: Innovation Salzburg/Andrea Kurz

Keep calm and keep learning: The EdTech Future Journey 2024

23. April 2024

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

This is the EdTech Austria team: Project Leader Jools Turrell

15. February 2024

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Photo: Sincerely Media on Unsplash

ISTE Seal: The Seal of Approval for Digital Learning Tools

20. December 2023

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Foto: Evelyn Baier-Schmid

Programming made easy: Coding Day 2023

27. November 2023

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About Us

What is EdTech?

Educational Technology – EdTech for short – is the umbrella term for all those digital tools and applications that support learning. From instructional videos to training in a virtual environment.

Our mission

Together with you, we want to make Salzburg a place where EdTechs can develop and try out their products and encounter an environment that approaches testing and implementing these offerings with an open mind.

Our service

What can you expect from EdTech Austria?

  • As EdTech

    Whether startup or established business: we support EdTech companies with

    • Networking with other EdTechs as well as with companies and educational institutions
    • Enabling product presentations to potential customers and investors
    • Support for the submission of funding applications
    • Environment for the development and validation of new EdTech solutions (under construction)
  • As an educational institution

    Pandemic or not, digital support in education benefits teachers and learners when implemented professionally.

    We help

    • by providing information on innovative EdTech companies (you can already find a selection on our members page)
    • Networking and exchange with other educational institutions
    • access to a pool of experts for planning and implementing EdTech solutions
  • As a company

    For further training of your employees, you have access to a wide range of digital offerings.

    We help you with

    • Networking with other companies to create mutual learning opportunities
    • Access to a pool of EdTech experts
    • Support with the submission of funding applications
    • Information services
  • As research institution

    EdTech, as a combination of service character and technological solution, thrives on latest knowledge. Representatives from research are important partners for us when it comes to the development, testing and validation of EdTech.

    We offer

    • Networking with innovative EdTech companies for joint idea and project development
    • Support for the submission of funding applications
    • Events for information, exchange and presentation



Online via MS Teams
09:00 - 14:00 Uhr

EdTech-Consultation Day – Feedback on your EdTech Business Idea


Bielefeld, Germany
09:00 - 18:30 Uhr

EdTech Next Summit 2024 + GESAwards Ceremony

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07.11. - 09.11.24

Messe Wien

Interpädagogica 2024

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