
EdTech offers for different target groups, portraits about personalities, opinions and a lot of information about EdTech will find their way here. If you are interested in special EdTech aspects, feel free to give us new input on topics we should address.

Magdalena mit ihrem Hund Milo, Foto: privat

This is the EdTech Austria Team: Project Manager Magdalena Gärtner

25. July 2024

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Photo: Innovation Salzburg/Andrea Kurz

Keep calm and keep learning: The EdTech Future Journey 2024

23. April 2024

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

This is the EdTech Austria team: Project Leader Jools Turrell

15. February 2024

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Photo: Sincerely Media on Unsplash

ISTE Seal: The Seal of Approval for Digital Learning Tools

20. December 2023

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Foto: Evelyn Baier-Schmid

Programming made easy: Coding Day 2023

27. November 2023

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Photo: Sebastian Pandelache on Unsplash

Early Childhood Education Part 2: The Course is set on the Parents’ Screen

20. November 2023

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Photo: Hao Wang on Unsplash

Early Childhood Education Part 1: Chasing the water strider in a lab coat

25. September 2023

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Photo: Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Never again pen and paper? A glimpse into the learning world of Gen Z

5. September 2023

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Photo: Dan Nelson on Unsplash

Thinking about data protection not only on the home stretch

7. August 2023

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Teachino makes classroom organisation intelligent

3. July 2023

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(c) private

EdTech in Paris: Our “journey to the future” in the French capital

15. June 2023

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

How learning works and the role digital tools play in it – that was the EdTech Austria Summit 2023

2. June 2023

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Foto: ilgmyzin on Unsplash

ChatGPT – here to stay: Part II

31. May 2023

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Foto: Om Siva Prakash on unsplash

ChatGPT – here to stay: Part I

18. April 2023

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Foto: Robo Wunderkind

MINT project: Salzburg schoolchildren learn to program robots

24. March 2023

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Men watching film with app on smartphone

Dialect & culture: Understanding languages with

17. March 2023

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Foto: Cottonbro Studio

Matura simulations and owls: The fabulous world of Studyly

23. February 2023

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Foto: Svenia Busson

Svenia Busson: Everything can be changed!

13. December 2022

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(c) Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

Where is the EdTech journey heading?

7. December 2022

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photo: FH Salzburg

EdTech Austria Roadshow: Try out education technologies

1. December 2022

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Foto: acodemy

Cody21 makes primary school kids media-savvy

11. November 2022

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photo: erdbeerwoche

Ready for Red: Against stuffy menstruation education

6. October 2022

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photo: erdbeerwoche

Salzburg apprentice hackathon: from idea to prototype in a day

6. October 2022

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CLICK&LEARN: 5 EdTech trends to keep an eye on

27. September 2022

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

How Salzburg’s pupils learn about robotics

20. September 2022

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

The EdTech Austria Team: Marlene Dietrich-Gsenger

6. September 2022

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg/Benedikt Schemmer

The EdTech Austria Team: Project Manager Julia Pichler

16. August 2022

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Foto: MatheArena

MatheArena: Never again problems with maths

4. July 2022

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Foto: Martin Krennbauer

“Just do it”: A teacher’s view of digital teaching

20. June 2022

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photo: Innovation Salzburg/Birgit Probst

EdTech Summit Austria showed the diversity of the scene

4. May 2022

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Foto: jamesmarkosborn on unsplash

everyone codes: software development instead of unemployment

20. April 2022

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Foto: Resch & Frisch

“Already Foxed Today?”: The MicroLearning from KnowledgeFox

17. March 2022

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Foto: courseticket

courseticket: digital education marketplaces

1. March 2022

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Foto: Schubu

SchuBu and the joy of learning and teaching

8. February 2022

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Foto:LearnChamp Consulting GmbH

LearnChamp and the pursuit of the best learning experience

12. January 2022

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Foto: DocuSign on unsplash

Secure and digital signing with sproof

17. December 2021

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Foto: Andreas Kolarik

Innovation lab for the education of the future

13. December 2021

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Photo: geralt on Pixabay

EdTech continues to boom in Austria

9. December 2021

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Foto: Ferdinand Stöhr

A view across the Atlantic: Insights into the US-EdTech market

7. December 2021

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Foto: Julia M. Cameron on Pexels

Lockdown: These tools help with distance learning

26. November 2021

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Education Technology
Foto: Unsplash

Second UK-Austria EdTech Exchange: Digital Solutions for the New Normal

22. November 2021

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Photo: Nikolaus Donner

VERITAS @ Innovation Challenge

22. November 2021

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Michael Fally, Leiter Konzernale Lernmedien SPAR
Foto: Michael Fally

SPAR @ EdTech Innovation Challenge: Data analytics for a learning management system

18. November 2021

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Foto: Thomas Topf

Austrian Standards @ EdTech Austria Innovation Challenge: Bringing standards digitally to people

12. November 2021

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Foto: LernMax

One step ahead: teach individually with LernMax

22. October 2021

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EdTechs bei 2 Minuten 2 Millionen
Pic: PULS4/Gerry Frank

Pitch on the Show – EdTechs at the PULS4 Startup Show “2 Minuten 2 Millionen”

21. October 2021

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Foto: Unsplash

EdTech Austria Roadshow 2022

21. October 2021

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Foto: Fotolia

The STEM-101 for parents

19. October 2021

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(Fotos: Salzburg Aluminium Group)

Let’s Hack – That was the Apprentice Hackathon Salzburg

15. October 2021

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Foto: DaVinciLab

The fascinating metamorphosis of the DaVinciLab

6. October 2021

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Foto: ITG

The three questions of the digital education revolution

15. September 2021

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Foto: Innovation Salzburg

Märt Aro: Personalised learning with edtech applications

15. September 2021

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Foto: Florian Wehde on unsplash

The starting point for a sustainable partnership: Austria – Hong Kong/Greater Bay EdTech Exchange

1. September 2021

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(Foto: Robo Wunderkind)

If: Robo, then: Wunderkind – The formula for young robotics

30. August 2021

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Foto: ITG

We need a digital education revolution!

27. August 2021

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Foto: MeetFox

MeetFox saves parents from queueing for consultation day

26. August 2021

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Augmented Reality by Artivive kisses art into the modern age

16. August 2021

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Foto: Neukurs

At NeuKurs, content from the own kitchen comes to the table

21. July 2021

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Foto: Marco Riebler

Corporate training: The worm must be tasty to the fish, not the fisherman

5. July 2021

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Foto: Adam Jang/ unsplash

EdTech Exchange: A look beyond the horizon

30. June 2021

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Foto: BizDevelop

BizExaminer and the complex business of digital exams

29. June 2021

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Foto: eSquirrel

Collect the nut! Learning success with gamification and repetition

21. June 2021

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photo: wildbild

EdTech Austria at salz21 kompakt: The future of learning

17. June 2021

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Foto: chabaDoo

Self-determined learning through the innovative chabaDoo honeycomb system

9. June 2021

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Foto: Knowledge Market

Knowledge Markets: The courage of naivety

27. May 2021

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Foto: Virtual Real Estate Knapp

Explore the Salzburg Parliament virtually

25. May 2021

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Foto: Claudia Rößlhuber Fotografie

EdTech founders develop their ideas at Startup Salzburg Weekend

12. May 2021

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Foto: Mika Baumeister on unsplash

4 tips on how to make your EdTech a success

29. April 2021

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photo: Studo

Studo: Love brand for students

20. April 2021

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Foto: Myles Tan on unsplash

EdTech growth to continue in 2021

14. April 2021

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Foto: Pixabay

Creative minds wanted for EdTech Science Slam!

31. March 2021

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photo: Jafar Ahmed on unsplash

Vocationeers – Share expertise, anytime, anywhere

29. March 2021

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Quickspeech bei 2 Minuten 2 Millionen
photo: QuickSpeech

Short, crisp, playful – knowledge transfer in companies with QuickSpeech

23. March 2021

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Foto: UK Department for International Trade

Two ecosystems in exchange: UK-Austria EdTech Exchange

18. March 2021

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Foto: Areeka

Bringing teaching content to life with augmented reality

10. March 2021

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Foto: pexels – Julia M. Cameron

Online tutoring with GoStudent – It’s a match!

8. March 2021

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Foto: Pexels -Brust

Audvice – Education for the ears

2. March 2021

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Girl with tablet and headphones
Foto: Antonioguillem –

Learning languages through play

5. February 2021

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Hannes Aichmayr, Projektleiter EdTech Austria beim ITG - Innovationsservice für SalzburgFoto: WKS/ Probst Photographie, 29.01.2021
Foto: WKS/ Probst Photographie

EdTech Austria: fit for the future with digital education

26. January 2021

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Foto: WKS/ Probst Photographie

Immersive learning has a future

26. January 2021

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