21. October 2021, Lifelong learning, Miscellaneous, School, University, vocational education and training

EdTech Austria Roadshow 2022

9 Federal States I 10 Speakers I 5 Networking Events I Tech Tastings

In November 2022, we will go on tour. With our roadshow through Austria, we want to put a special focus on the networking of EdTechs on site. At each of our networking meetings, regional experts will be there to give input and answer your questions in a Q&A session. The focus of our events is on the exchange of experiences, best practice examples from the region and the expansion of personal networks.

In this way, we promote the exchange among each other and bundle the know-how and experience of our members.

The programme and the speakers will be continuously updated.

When & Where?

The tour will take place from Nov 23 to Nov 30 2022.


Wednesday, Nov 23, 17:00-19:00

Impact Hub Vienna

Lindengasse 56, 1070 Vienna


Thursday, Nov 24, 17:00-19:00



Monday, Nov 28, 17:00-19:00

Grand Garage, Tabakfabrik

Peter-Behrens-Platz 6, 4020 Linz


Tuesday, Nov 29, 17:00-19:00

Impact Hub Tyrol


Wednesday, Nov 30, 17:00-19:00



17:00 – 17:15 – Welcome and introduction of EdTech Austria (Julia Pichler)5 Minute Buffer

17:20 – 17:30 – Keynote address

17:35 – 17:45 – Keynote

18:00 – 18:30 – Q&A with Julia Pichler and our two speakers

18:30 – 19:00 EdTech-Tasting: Get to know the applications of our EdTechs and try it out right away!

19:00 – 20:00 Get-together with snacks and drinks

Who is the Roadshow for?

The roadshow is open to everyone who is interested in EdTech solutions and tools and wants to get to know the regional EdTech scene. If you are a teacher, director, entrepreneur, HR manager or representative of a research institution, take the opportunity to network with EdTechs and education experts from your region.


Link to registration follows.

Further information:

For questions and further information please send us an email to:



The Bundesländer Roadshow is an event organised by EdTech Austria.

Marlene ist seit Herbst 2021 bei EdTech Austria. Ihr ist es ein großes Anliegen, die heimische Bildungslandschaft um digitale Bildungsanwendungen und -tools reicher zu machen. In ihrer Rolle möchte sie EdTechs, ihre Anwender:innen und Forschungseinrichtungen vernetzen, um ein starkes heimisches EdTech-Ökosystem zu schaffen.

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